Request a Free Call With Jason
The purpose of this call is to make a choice.
Here are your options for making that choice:
Work with me as a paying client.
Work with someone else as a paying client.
Go it alone for free.
I am committed to helping you make your choice. During the call I will coach you toward one of those choices so that you can feel confident and certain about your next steps. I am not attached to making you my client. If I believe you would benefit from working with me, I will tell you. If I believe you are not a fit for working with me, I will tell you that instead. I will not sell or try to persuade you into paying me. I am committed to reaching a mutually beneficial outcome whenever possible.
I will ask your permission to challenge your points of view regarding making this choice. And I will ask you to commit to exactly one of the three options listed above.
Please be very specific and complete about what you want to get out of the call before we schedule it. We need details and context to make this kind of choice consciously. Get all of the details out of your head and into the form first so we can make the best use of our time on the call.
After you submit your form, you’ll be able to schedule a time with me. I might ask you a question or two in advance of the call as well. If it looks like we might not be a good fit, I'll let you know and cancel the call. Otherwise, I look forward to speaking with you.